09 January 2024

Stromness Loons: An Introduction

I have never blogged before, and I wouldn’t describe myself as the best of writers, but I am hoping that my photos will tell the story. Through Stromness Saunters my aim is to show the changes in nature’s calendar on monthly walks around my local patch. My first “saunter” is a 3 mile circular walk around the Stromness Loons (marked in green). 

The habitat is a mixture of farmland, wetland/marsh, heath and a small woodland copse with a burn running through it. There are some focal points in the landscape that I hope to photograph every month:

Woodland copse

Blackthorn and gorse hedge

Mossy stone dyke

View over the Loons


Another view over the Loons

A flooded field

In addition to the blog, I will also be keeping a record of the birds I see on Birdtrack, and recording other wildlife on iRecord. The map below, shows the polygon of my route on Birdtrack.

I am really looking forward to getting started on my monthly saunters through nature's calendar. Keep an eye out for January's post later in the month. 

1 comment:

  1. Welcome to the Blogosphere and thank you for the virtual walk.
